The MentalEdge Podcast
The MentalEdge Podcast
E #113 The Difference Is The Discipline
Occasionally you will find a creative person at the top of the hottest, trend setting company. When they are fortunate to attain a position at the top they typically receive accolades for being out of the box thinkers and genius's.
But what separates them from the "creative" people who never seem to make any progress?
The difference is the adoption of the disciplines that the rest of the world deems as reliable and trustworthy.
As we progress toward sustainable personal growth in the new year we must learn to do the productive things that demonstrate we are dependable to the masses.
You are not selling out my friends...you are helping them, buy into you!
Don't be afraid to adopt the disciplines that speak so prominently to world and then, when the time is right to shine...let your creativity separate you from the rest of the pack! And it will!