The MentalEdge Podcast
Deep discussion about life as men. Conveying our thoughts transparently in an effort to share in the journey of continuous development and the action of equipping each other to face life's rigorous challenges. And to laugh about them..yeah probably that mostly.
136 episodes
E. #136 The Decision Vision
Tune in to the 5th episode of the Season 7's Calibration Series. It's a season dedicated to making the most of 2025. This is your year!This episode is about making the most of the blessings that are already sewn into your timeline. Your ...
Season 7
Episode 136

E #135 Power Trip'n: Don't Be a Butthole!
Have you ever caught yourself being an absolute butthole to somebody who loves you? 🤔 Did you ever feel deeply convicted right in the middle of it? What a blessing that can be!That's exactly what happen to Jay the day he and hi...
Season 7
Episode 135

E. #134 The Alignment Assignment!
2025 is going to be your year. This is not fluff! Over the past few years if you are one of the people who did the hard thing and took the promotion, but it didn't pay what it was supposed to, or you got up early and did that extra...
Season 7
Episode 134

E #133 The Problem with Reluctance
We had the pleasure of introducing to you 3 of our podcast students. Meet Becca, Nancy, and Nathan!Each Student has their pod-concept brewing in their creative minds and we are so thankful they have chose us to guide them on their PodJou...
Season 7
Episode 133

E# 132 "That Knife Life"
My good men, if you to were to assume the life of a knife which one would you be? the one that spreads butter or the one that splits the tree.This is the poetic question posed by Jay and Fernando in this relevant MENtal Metaphor Episode...
Season 7
Episode 132

E #131 Miguel Negroni: A Mentor And So Much More!
Mr. Negroni aint no phony! He's earned his whiskers in the barber world for sure. He earned his notoriety through consistency despite circumstances. It's a trait he makes sure he sows into the many young barbers and young men...
Season 6
Episode 131

E# 130 What Makes You Feel Like A Man!
Thanks to our listeners we are about to cross over the 10,000 listen mark. Yeah, it's a really big deal..at least it is to us.Are we famous? Not exactly. Do a simple google search and you will find that we fall a little sho...
Season 6
Episode 130

E# 129 "That One Time I Stole A Candy Bar"
Fernando and Jay talk about Jay's life of crime. It's an all out confessional. Now full disclosure, the lesson here isn't really about being a candy snathcer! It's about how the presence of security in your life facilitates the lack of sc...
Season 6
Episode 129

S.6 E#128 God Math!
Fernando and Jay talk about a phenomenon known as God Math. You heard it right. Not Trigadumetry or Advance Calcubutz, we are talking about the devine often unconventional way God takes what seems impossible and metaphorically and ...
Season 6
Episode 128

E #127 Is Love Selfish?
This coversation between Fernando and Jay was the result of overhearing somebody saying this all too common phrase: "I can't believe you are doing this to me after all I have done for you!"Don't get us wrong.... We're fairly certain tha...
Season 5
Episode 127

E #126 Feels Vs Realz
In a world that caters to feelings does the truth even still matter?Listen to Fernando and Jay talk about their perspective on the Feelz Vs Realz debate. Is your kindness contributing to somebody else’s blindness? Are you cap...
Season 5
Episode 126

E#125 It's Simple.."Get off the Nipple"
Fernando and Jay discuss a relational dynamic that is poisonous for men to be in.Based on overhearing a conversation in the parking lot this topic was catapulted to the forefront of our podcast line up. That right, what dynamic would ena...
Season 5
Episode 125

E# 124 An Interview with Dr. Catherine Murphy..."A Breath of Fresh Care"
The Dr. is in the house. Ok, by house we mean The MentalEdge Studio!Dr. Catherine Murphy DDS, Orthodontist, Author, Speaker, Mom and Wife is here to give us some breath”making” advice.You are going to be captivated from jump stre...
Season 5
Episode 124

E# 123 Do You Experiment With Yourself? "That Cold Shower Power"
Seriously, when was the last time you shook things up and decided you were going to try something radically different. We're talking about testing your limits and seeing what new disciplines or regiments might catapult you into a n...
Season 5
Episode 123

E#122 True Generosity = 0 Expectation!
Fernando had something on his heart that he wanted to talk about. There are many facets of generosity. But true Generosity goes beyond the tithe and it expects nothing in return. "Are you a generous man"? Fernando As...
Season 5
Episode 122

E #121 An Interview With Leah Peksenak: Open Mic, Insert Heart!
Leah Peksenak is quite simply, an awesome human and her interview as our 6th incredible woman will not disappoint.We met Leah on the set of a local Charity Event known as “Listen to your Mother”. She had been spotted at a local open mic ...
Season 5
Episode 121

E #120 Shed the Shame: An Interview with Susanna Lopez
Susanna Lopez is the wife of handsome MentalEdge Co-host Fernando Lopez Jr.She aint to shabby herself, lemme tell ya. She's a beautiful person inside and out and thats not fluff I assure you. Just listen to her candidly reflect...
Season 5
Episode 120

E# 119 An Interview with Carrie Bedwell: The Courage to Connect!
Ladies and Gentleman meet the 4th Incredible woman in our series of 7 amazing woman!Mrs. Carrie Bedwell, applause applause applauseCarrie is a teacher by trade, 29 years in the making but she also doubles as an intuitive connect...
Season 5
Episode 119

E# 118 An Interview with Sade Carrasquillo "For the Love of the Arts"
Fernando and Jay sat down with Sade Carrasquillo, our third incredible woman in a series of 7!Sade is The Founder and Executive Director of For the Love of the Arts.A non profit organization dedicated to reducing...
Season 5
Episode 118

E# 117 "Full of Purpose" and Interview with Jena Rae Maldonado!
Fernando and Jay sit down with another amazing woman. Jena Rae Maldonado, a Celebrate Recovery lead Facilitator, the President of the Porter County Republican Women and a newly elected Portage Township Board member. Wow!To ...
Season 5
Episode 117

E #116 "Always on the Run" an Interview with Missy Wacasey!
Ladies and Gentleman, The MentalEdge would like to introduce you to the Alpha Queen of CreataSpacePlace....Missy WacaseyFernando and Jay are dedicating the next 7 episodes to women who have inspired them.First up. A lady that ha...
Season 5
Episode 116

E# 115 Turn Down to Turn Up!
Fernando and Jay discuss the value of taking a break from perceived need. Jay is about to take the next weeks and dedicate one day each week, to a complete food and social media fast. What day?...MANday of course. Fer...
Season 5
Episode 115

E #114 The Real Laws of Attraction!
Very few things in life turn out the way they were first perceived. The laws of attraction are no different. In-fact, you come to the realization as you grow wiser that although looking great is for sure an initial igniter, it real...
Season 5
Episode 114

E #113 The Difference Is The Discipline
Occasionally you will find a creative person at the top of the hottest, trend setting company. When they are fortunate to attain a position at the top they typically receive accolades for being out of the box thinkers and genius's.But w...
Season 5
Episode 113

E. 112 An Interview with Bullseye Bob Owen, Environment, Ingredients and Sequence!
Bob Owen's story is amazing. His life long passion for the court and his ability to be resilient despite his surroundings and early limitations, pushed him naturally toward the development of a renowned and effective shooting system. O...
Season 5
Episode 112