The MentalEdge Podcast
The MentalEdge Podcast
E# 124 An Interview with Dr. Catherine Murphy..."A Breath of Fresh Care"
The Dr. is in the house. Ok, by house we mean The MentalEdge Studio!
Dr. Catherine Murphy DDS, Orthodontist, Author, Speaker, Mom and Wife is here to give us some breath”making” advice.
You are going to be captivated from jump street in this episode.
Whats so special about Dr. Murphy, well…whats not.
As you sit and talk to her you realize she doesnt have a pretentions bone in her body. Its like she has never met a stranger!
You feel like she is instantly your friend and her infectious personable demeaner might just be her most amazing super power.
Whether you are her patient or whether you are her chance encounter engaging in initial passive conversation, she has one desire, to be a part of you life's progression toward fulfillment, purpose, passion and healing.
And...She is chomping at the bit to show you how to do it, one intentional breath at a time. So sit back..take a deep breath and breathe in this life changing wisdom.
Dr. Murhphy is in the house dollling out a “Breath of Fresh Care”.