The MentalEdge Podcast
Deep discussion about life as men. Conveying our thoughts transparently in an effort to share in the journey of continuous development and the action of equipping each other to face life's rigorous challenges. And to laugh about them..yeah probably that mostly.
The MentalEdge Podcast
E#125 It's Simple.."Get off the Nipple"
Fernando Lopez and Jay Wacasey
Season 5
Episode 125
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00:00 | 26:38
Fernando and Jay discuss a relational dynamic that is poisonous for men to be in.
Based on overhearing a conversation in the parking lot this topic was catapulted to the forefront of our podcast line up. That right, what dynamic would enable a fully capable middle age man to be talked down to like a child…..Its typically, a dependency issue.
Does somebody you depend on treat you badly? And do you feel helpless…What can you do about it?
The hard truth is: Ur Gonna Haft Get Off Da Nipple!