The MentalEdge Podcast
Deep discussion about life as men. Conveying our thoughts transparently in an effort to share in the journey of continuous development and the action of equipping each other to face life's rigorous challenges. And to laugh about them..yeah probably that mostly.
The MentalEdge Podcast
S.6 E#128 God Math!
Fernando Lopez and Jay Wacasey
Season 6
Episode 128
Fernando and Jay talk about a phenomenon known as God Math.
You heard it right. Not Trigadumetry or Advance Calcubutz, we are talking about the devine often unconventional way God takes what seems impossible and metaphorically and even sometimes literally, feeds the masses.
So strap in, pluck in those ear buds, grab a note pad and pencil and we promise, this aint no "arithmatrick", nope!
This is the type of multiplication that matters!