The MentalEdge Podcast
The MentalEdge Podcast
E #116 "Always on the Run" an Interview with Missy Wacasey!
Ladies and Gentleman, The MentalEdge would like to introduce you to the Alpha Queen of CreataSpacePlace....Missy Wacasey
Fernando and Jay are dedicating the next 7 episodes to women who have inspired them.
First up. A lady that has inspired so many, Missy Wacasey.
Whats so impressive and inspirational you might ask....How about the fact that she's a real deal USW Local 1011 Steel Worker and has been for the past 24 years. Using a torch as tall as her to scarf cracks out of steel slabs. Yeah that's her daily lineup!
How about that fact that she doesn't just run an occasional marathon, she has actually completed a 52.6 mile trail run in the Black Hills of South Dakota...you know, just your average 14 hour race at elevation running on trecherous ATV trails...a real stroll in the park right.
Oh BTW, here's the thing. This is a woman that could barely run around the block 5 years ago. Straight Facts.
Yeah, you're gonna wanna hear the rest of her story. So dont waste another minute..click that link and have a listen!