The MentalEdge Podcast
Deep discussion about life as men. Conveying our thoughts transparently in an effort to share in the journey of continuous development and the action of equipping each other to face life's rigorous challenges. And to laugh about them..yeah probably that mostly.
The MentalEdge Podcast
E# 130 What Makes You Feel Like A Man!
Fernando Lopez and Jay Wacasey
Season 6
Episode 130
Thanks to our listeners we are about to cross over the 10,000 listen mark. Yeah, it's a really big deal..at least it is to us.
Are we famous? Not exactly.
Do a simple google search and you will find that we fall a little short of Joe Rogan status. So why do we do what we do? It's simple, it makes us feel relevant to talk men about life and at just the right moment...you great people reach out and tell us we matter.
We really don't need much more than that to keep going.
What do you do that makes you feel like a man? We can't wait to hear about it.