The MentalEdge Podcast
The MentalEdge Podcast
E #135 Power Trip'n: Don't Be a Butthole!
Have you ever caught yourself being an absolute butthole to somebody who loves you? 🤔
Did you ever feel deeply convicted right in the middle of it? What a blessing that can be!
That's exactly what happen to Jay the day he and his wife set out to build the local stray cat (Fred) a house made of readily available scraps. The menial task began to dredge up emotions associated with previous difficult projects from the past.
Luckily, before Jay could ruin the day the Holy Sprit gave him a hard backhand right in his kitchen. Thankfully once the sabotage was surrendered the awareness allowed the inclination to be examined and discussed!
Jay and Fernando dive into the topic of what it means to have a little power and almost get caught up in the cheap idea of seizing the moment to make a fruitless point.
We know you're intrigued now....For more your just gonna hafta get ta click'n to have a listen!